Maple Sugaring in Somerset County

The Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County and the Somerset Historical Center is participating in Remake Learning Days Across America this year in the Southwestern PA Region with a live stream, virtual program.
Somerset County is the largest maple producing county in PA. Learn about its unique history/lore, the process of tapping, gathering, boiling, and making pure maple sugar from maple syrup.
The Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County/Somerset Historical Center is dedicated to sharing the rural life story of southwestern PA. Maple sugaring has been an important industry of family farms here since the 1700s. Our sugar making interpreter will sweeten you up with maple lore, history, terminology, and the entire process of making pure maple products from the maple tree’s sugar water.
Remake Learning Days Across America is an innovative learning festival for families and youth! Taking root in 17+ regions, these hands-on and engaging events are designed for kids of all ages at libraries, schools, tech centers, museums, play spaces, community centers and more. Explore with us in the Southwestern PA Region from May 6 – May 16, 2021.
Since it’s launch in 2016, Remake Learning Days has hosted 1200+ learning events reaching 150,000 families! In 2021, this festival features 150+ events across the southwestern PA region for youth, families, grandparents, caregivers and educators to explore creative and fun ways of learning. From May 6-16, come explore these creative and engaging events during our 5th anniversary celebration.
Build a robot, code an art spinner, direct a film, be a scientist, explore the outdoors, make your own music, print your invention with a 3-D printer and more. Attend in-person and virtual events hosted by schools, museums, libraries, after-school organizations, child care centers, tech companies and more. Plus, search from 700+ virtual events across the nation.
Experience what’s coming next for your child. Let’s remake learning together.