The Jr. Historians of the Somerset Historical Center are a group of youth who are excited about history and hands-on learning. Members learn to interpret exhibits and historic buildings, become familiar with traditional crafts and domestic skills, develop leadership and public speaking skills, learn about collections care and conservation, and learn how to share their knowledge with others.
The Jr. Historian Program is sponsored by the Somerset Historical Center and the Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County.
For more information contact the Education Coordinator.
Click on a image to learn more!
Jr. Historians have their own booth at Mountain Craft Days where they demonstrate butter churning, gingerbread making and coffee roasting and grinding.
Making butter the old fashion way!
Mark and Matthew Faidley sewing with others in the background
Jr. Historians and their finished hussifs!
John Collins sharing his military experience with Jr Historians
The Jr Historians Flying Circus!
Jacob Miller, Curator of the Somerset Historical Center, demonstrating knitting techniques to Jr Historians.
Jacob Miller helping Avery Custer with her WWI knitted scarf.
Olivia Vaughn working on her knitted WWI scarf.
Next Meeting
To be announced . . .